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Event Information
Date: Sunday August 1st, 2010      
Event: Adoration Chapel Honor Guard
Fr. Malloy Sir Knights,

As you may know, the Supreme Convention is at the Wardman Park Marriott in DC the first week of August. The Virginia District is proud to have been asked to stand guard at the Blessed Sacrament Adoration Chapel at the hotel. Our assigned time is 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM on Sunday, 1 August.

We ask you to prayerfully consider joining us for an hour that afternoon. Dress is fully regalia, (chapeau, service baldric, cape, and white gloves, BUT NO SWORD).

Please advise FN Dennis.Brown@ssa.gov or Faithful Captain Tim.Murtha@us.army.mil if you plan to attend.

Remember to visit the Virginia hospitality suite at the hotel.

Dennis Brown, Faithful Navigator

703 978-6195 h
703 605-7514 w
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