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Event Information
Date: Sunday December 8th, 2013      All Day
Event: Ordination at Basilica
Contact the Navigator at FN1894@vakofc.org if you can attend.

We are called once again to participate in a unique event at the National Shrine. This is the ordination of an Episcopal priest as a Catholic priest who will be immediately assigned to the Archdiocese of Military Services as a Chaplain. He will be ordained by Archbishop Broglio of the Archdiocese of Military Services. The Calvert Province has been asked to provide an Honor Guard for the Ordination. The Virginia District is being asked to provide the bulk of the Honor Guard, as the Archdiocese of Washington District has another major event at the same time (a 100th anniversary of a parish). The Maryland District is also being pressed to provide major support.

The Ordination will take place on Sunday December 8 in the Crypt Church at the 10:00 Mass. Please mark your calendars and begin recruiting volunteers. The goal is to have 50 Sir Knights in Regalia for the event. Given the predisposition of the Archdiocese of Washington District at another event, Virginia is being asked to provide at least 30 – 35 Sir Knights in Regalia. We can do it!

What better way to Honor our Lady on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception than to participate in a Most Patriotic Event as the Ordination of a Military Chaplain!

The Ordination is this Sunday, December 8 at 10:00 AM at the Crypt Church at the National Shrine. Report Time: 9:00 AM at the chapel of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We need 30-35 Sir Knights from Virginia. Please get the word out and let me know how many Sir Knights from your Assembly will be able to participate. Don’t let the Province down!

Dress for the event: Full Service Regalia: Tux plus cape and chapeau, with service baldric, BUT NO SWORD. We will wear the combined National Pin.

District Master
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