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Event Information
Date: Sunday May 10th, 2015      02:30 PM Until 06:00 PM
Event: Father Lange Wake
It is with sadness that I am passing notification that Father Robert Lange of Arlington Diocese passed away on Monday, May 4, 2015. Father Lange was ordained a priest on May 10, 1986. He was a strong supporter of the Knights of Columbus and was a member of Battlefield Council #10246 and Rappahannock Assembly # 1613.

An Honor Guard for both his wake and funeral are requested

Location of wake: Fairfax Memorial Funeral Home, 9902 Braddock Road, Fairfax, Virginia 22032

Date/Time of wake: Sunday, May 10 from 3:00 PM until 6:00 PM. Honor Guard members should plan to arrive by 2:30 PM to allow posting of guards at the start of the viewing.

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