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Assembly Installation of Officers

Jul 15, 2009 The Installation of Officers for the 2009-2010 fraternal year will be held Wednesday, JULY 15, While this is our normal meeting night, this will be an open meeting - all wives are invited and encouraged to attend. Tuxedos
and social baldrics are required for all incoming Officers. Members are also encouraged to wear tuxedos and social baldrics; however; suits are permitted. Ladies dress is cocktail, church attire, or similar.

The evening will begin at 7pm with the recitation of the Rosary, followed by dinner and the Installation of Officers.

Retiring Officers should return their jewel of office at their earliest convenience so all will be on hand prior to the Installation.

Please RSVP to the Faithful Captain - elect Dennis Brown if you will be attending the Installation and Dinner so we can
ensure there is enough for everyone. Officers to be installed need to advise the Faithful Captain if they will be unable to attend so a stand-in can be arranged.

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