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Spring 4th Degree Exemplification

May 28, 2011 The next 4th Degree Exemplification is Saturday May 28, 2011 in Charlottesville, VA, at Doubletree Hotel.

We Invite You to Submit Applications for Candidates in time for our April 20 meeting, if possible.
Dennis Brown, Faithful Navigator, Fr. Walter Malloy Assembly 1894, Fairfax, VA


Doubletree Hotel
990 Hilton Heights Road
Charlottesville, VA 22901

On-line registration at . If you have problems with the on-line registration call Ms. Renee Glover at 434-964-4461. Or you can call 1-800-494-9467. You must identify yourself as a member of the Knights of Columbus, Fourth Degree.

Candidates must be a Third Degree Knight and be in the Order for at least six months prior to May 28, 2011 (i.e., First Degree date must be November 28, 2010, or earlier).

Candidates requiring special arrangements are to be identified when their application is submitted. Special needs includes diabetics, candidates in wheel chairs, etc. I will make arrangements for them to take the Degree by observation. The Assembly must escort those with special needs to the antechamber and stay with them until they are ready to be moved into the Exemplification Room.

The candidate fee is $70.00. This fee includes the candidate’s banquet ticket, social baldric, Fourth Degree Pin, U.S. Flag Pin, certificate, and processing fees. All fees are to be paid to the local Assembly.

Fourth Degree Dress Code:
All candidates and those members attending the Exemplification must wear a black tuxedo with a flat collar formal shirt (NO RUFFLES OR WING COLLARS), black bow tie and cummerbund, black socks and shoes (please see page 3 for more details). A candidate will not be allowed to participate in the events if there is any deviation to this dress code. Active duty Military may wear their formal dress dining uniform. Policemen and Firemen may wear their dress uniform as well.

No fee is charged. Assemblies are asked to assume their cost of $60.00.

Cost: $45.00 per Guest ticket. The cost of additional banquet tickets is to be paid to the local Assembly. The banquet includes:

Menu Choices:

* Prime Rib of Beef Au Jus
* Swordfish stuffed with crabmeat

Entrees include salad, rolls and butter, potatoes, vegetables, dessert, coffee, tea, Decaf, Iced Tea.

If there are special dietary/medical needs, please advise.

Ladies Program:
Cost: $25.00, includes lunch and an afternoon with James Madison, our fourth President. All tickets are to be purchased through the local Assembly.

The lunch entree choices are Chicken Marsala or Tri-color vegetarian tortellini. These "lighter side" entrees are served with warm rolls and butter, your choice of coffee, tea, decaf coffee, iced tea, and dessert.

Cancellation Policy: No refunds AFTER May 15, 2011

Hotel Reservations:
On-line registration can be made at . If you have problems with the on-line registration call Ms. Renee Glover at 434-964-4461. Or you can call the Doubletree reservation center at 1-800-494-9467. You must identify yourself as a member of the Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree.

The cutoff date for reservations is April 26, 2011. The rate is $119.00 per room plus tax.

Exemplification Mass:
There will be NO Mass on Saturday at the hotel.
There will be a Mass Sunday Morning at 8:30 at the hotel.

Schedule of Events:

Day Time Event
Friday Late Afternoon/Evening Hospitality Rooms open
Saturday No later than 11:15 AM Candidates report to antechamber
Saturday 11:30 AM *** Ladies Program
Saturday 12:00 Noon Exemplification
Saturday 3:00-5:00 PM Hospitality Rooms open
Saturday 5:00 PM *** Cocktail Reception (Rotunda Foyer)
Saturday 6:00 PM *** Doors open for banquet
Saturday 9:00 PM *** Hospitality Rooms open
Sunday 8:30 AM Holy Mass

*** Time subject to slight changes

Please confirm with your Assembly representative when and where you should meet to get your tickets for the Exemplification, the banquet, and the ladies program, and the time and location from where you will be escorted to the Degree.

Note that all candidates need to report to the antechamber no later than 11:15 AM.

In addition, candidates and current members need to ensure that their wives/guests have their ticket for the Ladies Luncheon before they go into the Degree.

Special Notes:

* All reservations for candidate tickets, extra banquet tickets, and ladies program tickets need to be made through the local Assembly and payment made to the Assembly.
* Tickets MUST be presented for admission to the Ladies Luncheon and the Banquet.
* There will be hospitality rooms open at the hotel on both Friday and Saturday.
* A photographer will be available to take formal pictures

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